Freshman Football Jamboree
Game #1 Madison-Grant–2 Oak Hill–0 Game #2 Eastbrook–14 Mississinewa–0 Game #3 Mississinewa–6 Oak Hill–0 Game #4 Eastbrook–14 Madison-Grant–0 To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and the game it is...
Girls’ Soccer Jamboree
Photos by: Marc Debonis— Oak Hill, Marion, Mississinewa and Eastbrook competed in a jamboree on Saturday. To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and game it is...
Boys Soccer Jamboree
Photos by: Marc Debonis— The Eagles, Panthers , Giants and Indians competed in a jamboree on Saturday. To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and the game it is...
Marion vs Eastbrook scrimmage
The Giants and the Panthers scrimmaged against each other on Friday evening for the last time. Starting next season the two will play each other in regular season action. To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and the game it is...
Thursday Fireman’s Tournament
Madison-Grant defeated Eastbrook Black Marion defeated Eastbrook Red To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and game it is...
Saturday Oak Hill Classic games
Eastbrook 10U vs UCT Kokomo Oak Hill 8U vs Peru Eastbrook 12U vs North Miami Oak Hill 12U vs Peru To purchase photos email: with the ID code under photo and game that it is...